Hi, my name is Sam (@SamTurnage on twitter). I'm a software developer who works on games part time.
Check out my games!
Protogun : A Ludum Dare 28 Competition submission made in 48 hours. Use your one laser shot to take out the rooftop executives while avoiding the civilians. Earned bronze overall out of over 1200 other submissions.
The Lost City of Bhalrim : A Ludum Dare 40 Jam submission made in 72 hours with some friends. An Oregon Trail-like with fun decision making, resource management, a fun and unique mini-game, and an added sprinkling of dwarves.
Beat Street : A Ludum Dare 41 Jam submission made in 72 hours with some friends. Beat street is a rhythm city building game where you have to play each buildings daily note for that building to be active. Watch out for fires, pollution, crime, and unhappiness as you build your street beat by beat.
Disrupt : A #ResistJam 2017 submission made from March 3rd - 13th (Although I only had a few of those days to work on it). Make your way through the protesting crowd while dodging police and helping other protesters.
Ludum and the Lost Pages : A Ludum Dare 45 Jam submission made in 72 hours with some friends. A puzzle platformer about a wizard regaining his former power, starting with not even the robes on his back.